

Iles Galapagos

Welcome to Iles Galapagos :

The Galapagos Islands are located in a province of Ecuador and northeast of the Pacific Ocean. The Islands were discovered on March 10, 1535 by Europeans especially by the Spanish. With a population of 30,890 and an area of 8,010 km², the capital of the Galapagos Islands is Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.


Galapagos Islands Beach

A volcanic air :

Volcanoes on several different islands such as La Cumbre (1,476m), Wolf (1,707m), Cerro Azul (1,640m)…
Several cantons :
- Isabela with 1,790 people living in this township and an area of 5,368 km².
- San Cristobal with a population of 6,142 and an area of 849km².
- Santa cruz with a population of 11,264 for an area of 1,794 km².


La Cumbre volcano

Fauna and flora :

It is home to the Galapagos National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. For example, in this park, which is home to specific wildlife and unique reptile varieties such asterrestrial iguana, marine iguana, giant turtles, grapsus grapsus crabs also known as red crabs, sea lions, hammerheads and fish.


Terrestrial iguana

A little culture :

The name Galapagos was given to asteroid 16809. Even older, in the cartoon of the Mysterious Golden Cities, the Galapagos Islands are represented.
In a novel, Contes de la Véranda whose author Herman Melville notably of the book Moby Dick , makes a big reference to the islands following a visit of the archipelago.
The film Master and Commander released in 2003, includes a scene whose Galapagos Islands are filmed with a visit.